Legal and Company information

The Museum is run through: IRISH SPORTS MUSEUM COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE, a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Ireland with the CRO Number: 721176. Registered address: 5 Parkview, Wexford, Y35V1F8, Ireland

Retail sales and Auctions are run through: IRISH SPORTS COLLECTIBLES LIMITED, a company limited by shares. Registered in Ireland with the CRO Number: 721423. Registered address: 5 Parkview, Wexford, Y35V1F8, Ireland

All imagery of artefacts used is copyright of the Museum and cannot be used without prior permission. All other photographs are exhibited on the basis of “fair use” in connection with the museum’s stated aims and objectives of education and preservation of Irish sporting history.

We are proud to be a 2024 Institutional Member of Irish Museums Association