Our Purpose


Welcome to the Irish Sports Museum, where the spirit of Ireland’s sporting excellence comes alive.

Step into a world where history, passion, and triumph meet to celebrate the nation’s sporting heritage. Through captivating exhibits, interactive displays, and cherished memorabilia, we invite you on a journey through the iconic moments and legendary athletes that have shaped Ireland’s sporting identity. Join us as we relive the glory and relish the memories of our country’s most cherished sporting achievements. The Irish Sports Museum awaits, ready to inspire and ignite your passion for the world of sports.

Due to current economic conditions, a physical museum is not feasible, but we have a virtual online museum on social media and our website. We share fascinating facts, historical information, and images of exclusive artifacts. Our online platform offers public access until a permanent museum is established, and we also organize exhibitions at special events for a firsthand experience with these remarkable artifacts.

A full scale permanent museum is not yet currently a viable option as the economy and country continues to recover from Covid-19 and the economic effects of the war in Ukraine. In the meantime, we have designed a virtual online museum through social media (facebook, twitter, and Instagram) and this website where we share facts, history and images of various artefacts and exhibits which the Irish Sports Museum has access to. These would not be otherwise readily accessible and visible to the general public, and with our exhibitions and displays where sports fans and history buffs can see these amazing items in person.